Monograph Q4 2016; Live Perfect Living

24 Mar 2017

PERFECT LIVING: Happiness embarking onto 2017 with a happy life

Being happy does not mean that everything is perfect. It does not mean that we need to have a perfect life in order for us to be happy. Happiness is a reflection of our attitude in being grateful for all the blessings and struggles we have experienced in our lives the happiness of our lives will depend on the quality of our thoughts. After all, happiness is a choice, not a result. Nothing will make you happy until you choose to be happy and this can be done by being grateful and content with what we have.


Being truly happy requires an understanding that true happiness is defined by being able to make a positive impact in other people’s lives. A sensation we feel when we are doing good is known as the ‘helper’s high’ and it is produced when your brain releases endorphins, the feel-good chemicals of the brain. When you do something good for someone else, your brain’s pleasure centers light up, releasing endorphins - producing this high.


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